At CloudTrucks, our data science team performs a deep biweekly analysis of actual spot market rates across the country. We rely on data from 100's of brokers and we believe that insight into this data will help owner operators plan their schedules better.
Here is what we are seeing this week:
- Rates have increased an average of $0.04 per mile over the past 3 weeks, with 33% of rates decreasing from 3 weeks ago, and 67% of rates increasing.
- Short haul lanes are high in PA and NY, averaging $4.00 per mile
- Long haul rates continue to be strong out of the Midwest and into the Northeast
- Lanes originating in WI and IL have $2.95 rate per mile, on average.
- Lanes arriving in NY and further NE have $3.24 rate per mile, on average.
Top 10 lanes with higher than expected rates per mile: